These days it pays to be environmentally conscious. People have realised the importance of looking after the environment and are taking steps in their lives to do so. If you want to make your home more eco-friendly, then a good place to start is the kitchen. Here are some tips and techniques you can employ tomake your kitchen greener.
One of the best ways you can achieve a greener kitchen is to cut down on the amount of plastics you use in the kitchen. Stop buying cling film and instead find other methods of food storage available. Most importantly, cut down on your use of carrier bags. Collect a few and start to reuse them. Make sure you take them with you wherever you go shopping, and this way you’re using the same ones over and again. Stop buying bottled water and instead use tap water. If you live in a hard water area, buy a water filter jug to make the water more drinkable.
A great way to ‘green up’ your kitchen is to go for wood as much as possible. You need to pick sustainable wood that’s come from the right kind of source. Visit Island Kitchens to view the kinds of wooden kitchens they have on display. You’ll want to get wooden cabinets and counter tops. Perhaps even a wooden floor. This may well cost you less than marble, plastic or metal. And it is also much more environmentally sound. Wood also looks great and adds a more rustic and natural finish to your kitchen.
Recycling is the principal step towards, not just a green kitchen, but a green home. Make sure you have a recycling bin in your kitchen and that you have a bin for recycled waste that’s collected now and then.Recycle as much as you possibly can. Plastic, glass and metal can all go in the recycling bins. There’s also the opportunity to recycle classic stuff like paper and cardboard. Get yourself and your family into the habit of recycling, and this will become automatic later in life.
Switch your appliances for ones that are more energy efficient. Get rid of your cooker and replace it. Get a new fridge and kettle too. Also, try to make sure you have a gas cooker. As a rule gas tends to be more energy efficient than electricity so make sure you cook using a gas oven. By making changes to your appliances, you’ve not had to put in any extra work. And you can still use them as normal knowing that they’ll be making your kitchen a greener place.
Get yourself a food waste bin in the kitchen. This should be separate from the recycling and the regular rubbish. Anytime you have food waste make sure it goes in the designated bin. At the end of each week or so you can go empty the food waste bin into the compost. This way you’re making it biodegradable and ensuring that it provides you with an extra benefit. The compost will give your soil valuable nutrients making it a great place to plant and grow things.